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The Canadian immigration policy

Avocado Immigration Consultant

The Canadian immigration policy

The immigration policy of the Canadian government is based on mutual benefits for Canada and the immigrants. In order to ensure that, the Canadian government set up many programs. Each one of them is designed to accommodate a certain type of immigrants. For example, some people appreciate studying in Canada because of its quality, but soon the student stays in Canada for many years and gain a lot of information about the benefits the immigrants get and the quality of life they live so he/she becomes attracted to the idea of staying in the country rather than going back to his/her home country. 

The Canadian Government encounters a large number of graduates who mastered the language and got an education that is designed to serve the Canadian people and young students who have an aspiration to build their own good life but need to have some experience to make their education more practical. So for that reason, the Canadian government allows these graduates to apply for an open work permit. Now, Canada has a person who masters English or the French language with Canadian education crowned with experience and youth, but the most important thing is that person is willing to stay in Canada and makes it his/her own home. Canada wouldn’t turn down the requests of these people. That’s why they opened the opportunity for them to apply. 

The Canadian government wouldn’t like to be prejudiced against another applicant who is coming from abroad, so it sets up an express entry procedure and includes all the people who have the desire to be in Canada so each applicant is valued according to his language ability, education, work experience, and age. However, the system setup points for each element but the total points is 600 and it adds 200 points if the applicant has a managerial job offer or 50 points for any other job offer. Provinces have different needs of immigrants. So the Federal Government and the provinces reached an agreement where the provinces are allowed to set up their own criteria for accepting immigrants if they do then the applicant gets a letter of support and for this letter, the applicant gains 600 points to be added to the total points of the express entry. Each month, the immigration department administers a draw for a number of people to be invited to apply. 

Sometimes the draw goes for 3000 or more but the immigration department gets the winner of the highest points and going down until it reaches its target then the immigration department forwards letters to these people inviting them to apply. Lately, the lowest score that has been invited to apply was around 430 more or less, which depends on the points gathered by the other applicant and that differ from one draw to the other. The whole point of what I am trying to tell is that international graduates are given an opportunity to stay in Canada permanently if they wish to do so but it doesn’t prejudice against the people who are coming from abroad and this is why, among other reasons, they set up the express entry system.

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